
wushi atlas screenshotOver here at Listphile World Headquarters (aka my garage) we are breathless from launching the site and a bunch of activity stemming from some nice blog activity. Thanks for coming by everyone, and special thanks to those of you who have joined and started adding to and creating lists. More on the blogosphere in a bit…

For now, I want to highlight a list that is quickly proving to be a helpful resource. It’s the wushu instruction: north america atlas created by xiongnu_lohon. Xiongnu has even taken the additional step of announcing this resource to the wushu community in a forum on the MartialTalk website. This is so cool, and just the kind of use for Listphile that we envisioned when we cooked this thing up. Thanks for taking the time and effort, xiongnu lohon. Our hats off to you.

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